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Power data recovery
Power Data Recovery Professional es un programa diseñado para recuperar y guardar ficheros borrados de discos duros, unidades de disquete y otros medios de almacenamiento, como CD’s, DVD’s, unidades USB, etc. Puedes recuperar documentos y ficheros importantes que se han perdido por borrado accidental, sin importar si has vaciado la papelera de reciclaje o han sido borrados con otros métodos Si un fichero ha sido sobrescrito, el programa intenta reconstruir tanto del fichero como sea posible. Su interfaz es atractiva y muy fácil de utilizar.
Recuperación de datos.
Recuperación de datos de discos duros y unidades de almacenamiento removibles.
Recuperación de datos desde CD’s y DVD’s.
y lo mejor de todo, te lo puedes descargar totalmente gratis, este software no es la panacea, pero seguro que puede sacarte de mas de un problema cuando borras algo que no debias
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estrategia juegos
Ultimamente he notado en el blog que mucha de la gente que entra a buscar juegos, entra a buscar juegos de estrategia, (o como me dicen en los comentarios estrategia juegos :) ) de los que mas me gustan a mi, por cierto
La mayoria entran buscando un juego de estrategia en concreto, el Age of empires II, que por otra parte es normal , de los "estrategia juegos" es uno de los mas queridos por los jugones, aunque este un poco viejo da muchas horas de diversion
El segundo en el ranking de estrategia juegos es el Ikariam que es un juego de estrategia online, multijugador, ambientado en la Edad Antigua que sólo requiere ....
para ver mas Descargar juegos de estrategia
La mayoria entran buscando un juego de estrategia en concreto, el Age of empires II, que por otra parte es normal , de los "estrategia juegos" es uno de los mas queridos por los jugones, aunque este un poco viejo da muchas horas de diversion
El segundo en el ranking de estrategia juegos es el Ikariam que es un juego de estrategia online, multijugador, ambientado en la Edad Antigua que sólo requiere ....
para ver mas Descargar juegos de estrategia
Bueno solo queda un mes de el concurso de posicionamiento de, que como todos sabreis trataba de posicionar una palabra que no existia hasta la fecha de inicio del concurso, la palabra en question es, comunactivo y bueno ya que ha pasado un mes y solo queda otro, pues vamos a hacer un poco de balance de el concurso comunactivo
Nosotros personalmente no hemos hecho mucho por el concurso, solo una entrada con la palabra, inventandonos una historia para darle nuestro propio significado a la palabra comunactivo y una pagina en nuestro blog que se titula comunactivo, para enlazar a las paginas que estaban en el top 50 de la busqueda en Google, donde por cierto aparecemos despues de 1 mes en la posicion 51 , de verdad me parece increible.
mas info comunactivo
Nosotros personalmente no hemos hecho mucho por el concurso, solo una entrada con la palabra, inventandonos una historia para darle nuestro propio significado a la palabra comunactivo y una pagina en nuestro blog que se titula comunactivo, para enlazar a las paginas que estaban en el top 50 de la busqueda en Google, donde por cierto aparecemos despues de 1 mes en la posicion 51 , de verdad me parece increible.
mas info comunactivo
... camino por el pasillo hasta que llegamos al 3 piso, de los 8 que eran era el unico que estaba intacto, todo ordenado, todo limpio, comunactivo. Entramos a una de las habitaciones y todo parecía estar bien, hasta que uno de nosotros vio un cuadro de una enfermera y todos pensamos en Fátima, salimos corriendo por el pasillo y en un instante quedamos todos paralizados, el pasillo, que cuando entramos a la habitación estaba intacto, ahora estaba despedazado, manchas de sangre en el piso, jeringas tiradas, las paredes despintadas y rotas…..parecia que habian pasado cien años en un segundo, salimos corriendo por el pasillo hasta que quedamos a oscuras, cuando apareció la imagen de Fátima frente a nuestros ojos, las ventanas se abrieron, las cortinas se volaron y por segundos se escucharon gritos de dolor, desesperación, comunactivo. En el momento que reaccionamos nos dimos media vuelta y el loquero estaba limpio, ordenado, era de día y estaba lleno de gente, tratamos de hablar ...
la historia completa de comunactivo esta en comunactivo
la historia completa de comunactivo esta en comunactivo
la verdadera historia de comunactivo:
En las afueras de la pequeña ciudad se encontraba un viejo, abandonado y aterrador comunactivo, tenia mas de 110 años y las leyendas y cuentos que corren en la ciudad de ese comunactivo eran mas que los años de mi abuela, todas empezaron después de que una enfermera, se volvió loca a causa de uno de los internados llamado manuel, que cada día trataba de matarse, de matar a alguien o, si no co...
para leer la historia completa ve a comunactivo
En las afueras de la pequeña ciudad se encontraba un viejo, abandonado y aterrador comunactivo, tenia mas de 110 años y las leyendas y cuentos que corren en la ciudad de ese comunactivo eran mas que los años de mi abuela, todas empezaron después de que una enfermera, se volvió loca a causa de uno de los internados llamado manuel, que cada día trataba de matarse, de matar a alguien o, si no co...
para leer la historia completa ve a comunactivo
Getting Your Lost Files Back With Data Recovery
Power outage. Hard drive malfunction or reformatting. User error. Email viruses. These are all situations that can cause a computer to lose data. If you've ever experienced the increase in blood pressure and the feeling of despair associated with losing your important documents or treasured photographs, you'll be interested in learning how you just may be able to get those lose files back with data recovery.
Information can be lost from computers whether you are working on the hard drive, a floppy disk or a cd. It doesn't matter if you use a personal computer or a Macintosh. No one is safe from losing files, even if you are an expert computer user.
Often, your lost files can be recovered using one of the many data recovery software programs available for purchase. When you have experienced the devasting effects of losing a file or photograph, you will want to start by using one of these affordable data recovery programs. You can search through many quality listings on in order to find an affordable and reliable data recovery software program.
If you are unable to retrieve your lost files using a do-it-yourself software program, you may have to go with an alternate solution. There are a variety of companies available who will work on your computer, CD, DVD, or floppy disk in-house. This means you'll need to drop off or ship your computer or storage media to the company's offices and allow them to perform a variety of recovery services in hopes of being able to retrieve your lost files.
One of the best ways or recovering data is to prevent it from getting lost in the first place! It is smart to invest in an external media storage device in order to back up your important files, applications, and photographs. If you regularly back up your computer's files, you will have a much less devasting loss if something should happen to the hard drive of your computer. Another option is to use one of the many online storage companies. These organizations allow you to upload your information for off-site storage on servers not connected to your personal computer, so even if you lose everything in your PC, you can get everything you've stored back from the servers. Many of these advanced storage options will even automatically back up your files on a scheduled basis.
Unfortunately, not all files can be recovered, but a large percentage of lost files can be recovered with advanced data recovery techniques. Before you give up hope completely, try both a self-attempted data recovery technique with one of the software programs and hiring a reliable data recovery service. There is a strong chance that one of these methods will be able to recover the missing information.
Tony Warner writes for Data Recovery Space a website packed with advice about data recovery.
Information can be lost from computers whether you are working on the hard drive, a floppy disk or a cd. It doesn't matter if you use a personal computer or a Macintosh. No one is safe from losing files, even if you are an expert computer user.
Often, your lost files can be recovered using one of the many data recovery software programs available for purchase. When you have experienced the devasting effects of losing a file or photograph, you will want to start by using one of these affordable data recovery programs. You can search through many quality listings on in order to find an affordable and reliable data recovery software program.
If you are unable to retrieve your lost files using a do-it-yourself software program, you may have to go with an alternate solution. There are a variety of companies available who will work on your computer, CD, DVD, or floppy disk in-house. This means you'll need to drop off or ship your computer or storage media to the company's offices and allow them to perform a variety of recovery services in hopes of being able to retrieve your lost files.
One of the best ways or recovering data is to prevent it from getting lost in the first place! It is smart to invest in an external media storage device in order to back up your important files, applications, and photographs. If you regularly back up your computer's files, you will have a much less devasting loss if something should happen to the hard drive of your computer. Another option is to use one of the many online storage companies. These organizations allow you to upload your information for off-site storage on servers not connected to your personal computer, so even if you lose everything in your PC, you can get everything you've stored back from the servers. Many of these advanced storage options will even automatically back up your files on a scheduled basis.
Unfortunately, not all files can be recovered, but a large percentage of lost files can be recovered with advanced data recovery techniques. Before you give up hope completely, try both a self-attempted data recovery technique with one of the software programs and hiring a reliable data recovery service. There is a strong chance that one of these methods will be able to recover the missing information.
Tony Warner writes for Data Recovery Space a website packed with advice about data recovery.
Data recovery what to do II
Best Practices to Avoid Data Loss
Never upgrade any system without a verified backup.
Use up-to-date hardware and software utilities for data security, such as firewalls and virus protection.
Scan all incoming data, including packaged software, for viruses.
Power down and take extreme caution when moving computers.
Avoid static electrical charges when touching or handling the media, especially in arid environments.
Power down immediately if a drive makes scraping, tapping, clicking, or humming sounds.
Backup Strategies
Invest in redundant backup systems.
Establish a structured backup procedure, using software compatible with the operating system and applications, to make copies of all critical data files.
Periodically test the backups to verify that data – especially databases and other critical files – are being backed up properly.
Keep at least one verified copy of critical data off-site.
Never Assume Data Is Unrecoverable
"Back up your computer at the start of the month, for data is often lost during retrograde periods." So there you go.
As the universe continues to unfold I'm going to continue to keep my files backed up, and so should you. But if you do suffer a monster computer crash and find you need immediate data recovery help, we highly recommend call a data recovery company
Never upgrade any system without a verified backup.
Use up-to-date hardware and software utilities for data security, such as firewalls and virus protection.
Scan all incoming data, including packaged software, for viruses.
Power down and take extreme caution when moving computers.
Avoid static electrical charges when touching or handling the media, especially in arid environments.
Power down immediately if a drive makes scraping, tapping, clicking, or humming sounds.
Backup Strategies
Invest in redundant backup systems.
Establish a structured backup procedure, using software compatible with the operating system and applications, to make copies of all critical data files.
Periodically test the backups to verify that data – especially databases and other critical files – are being backed up properly.
Keep at least one verified copy of critical data off-site.
Never Assume Data Is Unrecoverable
"Back up your computer at the start of the month, for data is often lost during retrograde periods." So there you go.
As the universe continues to unfold I'm going to continue to keep my files backed up, and so should you. But if you do suffer a monster computer crash and find you need immediate data recovery help, we highly recommend call a data recovery company
Data recovery what to do
Sadly, drives often arrive that are unrecoverable because of what transpired after the initial crash. So this list is to help anyone who suffers a crash. These are the best things to do before calling a data recovery company.
When Disaster Strikes
If possible, backup the data immediately.
If the drive makes scraping, tapping, clicking, or humming sounds do not use utility software.
Do not power up a device that has obvious physical damage, or is making unusual sounds.
Shut down the computer to avoid further damage to the drive and its data.
Do not attempt recovery yourself on severely traumatized drives (i.e., turning the computer off and on, using over-the-counter diagnostic tools), as this may cause further damage or permanent data loss.
When Disaster Strikes
If possible, backup the data immediately.
If the drive makes scraping, tapping, clicking, or humming sounds do not use utility software.
Do not power up a device that has obvious physical damage, or is making unusual sounds.
Shut down the computer to avoid further damage to the drive and its data.
Do not attempt recovery yourself on severely traumatized drives (i.e., turning the computer off and on, using over-the-counter diagnostic tools), as this may cause further damage or permanent data loss.
Laptop Data Recovery Explained
Some things in life are just unwanted, but still, can happen to anyone of us. A thing like this is loosing your data from your laptop hard drive, we don't want it, but can happen. All our important data got wiped out in a second, all of it. You can go to your tech friend or even to a computer store to ask what you can do to recover your data but you will probably receive an answer that you can't do anything with it.Because at the computer store probably don´t know nothing about data recovery
We can prevent this by backing up all our information from the laptop hard drive in time but sometimes we just don't think about it and the worst will happen. We know it's our fault for not backing up the files. The good news is that now, we can investigate and research some data recovery companies and ask them for help.
The process for data recovery from laptop hard drives is usually more succesful then normal desktop hard drives, that's good news also. This is because laptop hard drives were always built for mobility and are designed in such way to prevent severe hard drive crashes. The heads on a laptop hard drive are not likely to touch the platters, this can happen mostly on normal desktop hard drives. Because of this, the process of data recovery from laptop hard drives has a higher success rate compared with desktop hard drives.
Even if it has a higher success rate, the process is still difficult and expensive if done by an individual. If you would think about opening it up you will have to make sure to open it in a class 100 clean room. Bad news is that such a room costs about $50000 - $70000. Your best pick is to find a data recovery company that can handle the process for you for a cost.
If you don't want to remove the hard drive from the laptop yourself, most companies will do this for you with no extra cost, you will be able to send them the full system. Also, most companies will not charge you if they will not be able to recover your data after the data recovery process.
Any type of data lost is something nobody needs or want, if data lost happen for your laptop hard drive is good to know that the odds are in your favor. Take some time to research for a good company and with some money you will be able to get your data back soon. After this, make sure to always back up all your data.
We can prevent this by backing up all our information from the laptop hard drive in time but sometimes we just don't think about it and the worst will happen. We know it's our fault for not backing up the files. The good news is that now, we can investigate and research some data recovery companies and ask them for help.
The process for data recovery from laptop hard drives is usually more succesful then normal desktop hard drives, that's good news also. This is because laptop hard drives were always built for mobility and are designed in such way to prevent severe hard drive crashes. The heads on a laptop hard drive are not likely to touch the platters, this can happen mostly on normal desktop hard drives. Because of this, the process of data recovery from laptop hard drives has a higher success rate compared with desktop hard drives.
Even if it has a higher success rate, the process is still difficult and expensive if done by an individual. If you would think about opening it up you will have to make sure to open it in a class 100 clean room. Bad news is that such a room costs about $50000 - $70000. Your best pick is to find a data recovery company that can handle the process for you for a cost.
If you don't want to remove the hard drive from the laptop yourself, most companies will do this for you with no extra cost, you will be able to send them the full system. Also, most companies will not charge you if they will not be able to recover your data after the data recovery process.
Any type of data lost is something nobody needs or want, if data lost happen for your laptop hard drive is good to know that the odds are in your favor. Take some time to research for a good company and with some money you will be able to get your data back soon. After this, make sure to always back up all your data.
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What Is Data Recovery
Retrieving deleted/inaccessible data from electronic storage media (hard drives, removable media etc...)
Typical causes of data loss include:
o Electro-mechanical Failure
o Natural Disaster
o Viruses
o Data Corruption
o Sabotage
o Human Error
Is Data Recovery important?
Over the past years, hard drives have gotten a lot quieter and faster, with capacities of more then 350 GB. The downside is that their consistency is far from perfect, and the devices are often burdened with mechanical failures, this warning however is never mentioned in the vendors' product specifications.
Our experience for over a decade shows that users can be sub-divided into two groups. The first group of users is well informed or has already experienced the sting of losing data. In cases such as these, the user is careful to back up information such as emails, photos, document files and financial data on a CD/DVD or other media, at least on an asymmetrical basis. A corporate user has the IT department or an administrator one who takes care of his backups. Digital assets are thus protected however still a virus attack, hardware failure or simply human error can destroy this critical asset. However, this group is a small minority.
The other group lives with an enduring risk, either because they aren't aware of the possible horror scenario or often it is the case, they don't take it seriously enough. It should be clear to everyone that any multifaceted component at any day may fail to provide its services. If such a scenario occurs, then all the data stored exclusively on a hard drive would most likely be lost.
So when this nightmare happens and your hard drive is clearly damaged, people pick up the phone and call data recovery firms, which have the necessary equipment and lab infrastructure to do the required job. According to Imation’s Small Business Survey Special Report conducted in April 2003.
30 percent of small businesses admit they have no formal data backup and storage procedures, or do not implement their procedures consistently.
“Fifty-five percent of small businesses rated themselves as "fair" or "poor" in terms of having a documented disaster recovery plan, or do not have one at all.”
“Review and evaluation of data backup and storage procedures is not a common practice among small businesses.”
“The majority of small companies” backup critical data on a daily basis and daily backups are more common among companies that deal with higher volumes of data. But one in three small businesses still wait until there is a problem before reviewing and evaluating their backup and storage procedures.”
“Moreover, 21 percent said that they are doing a "fair" or "poor" job of periodically removing important business data offsite – a vital procedure to protect businesses from physical disaster. An additional 13 percent of small businesses admitted to not removing backup files at all – that’s 34 percent at risk”.
Data Recovery Techniques
Basic questions which needs to be answered before recovery process
1. What is the data which needs to be recovered?
2. What type of hard drive is it?
3. How much data is on the hard drive?
4. What happened when the drive failed?
5. How fast do you need the data?
Recovering critical data is a specialized process that requires the right software, hardware and advanced techniques. In many failure-related cases, the chances of recovering data from a damaged hard drive range from 90-100%. If the electronic system is the only thing affected, then the drive can often be reused after the electronic control panel has been replaced. If, on the other hand, the defect is of a mechanical nature, then recovery will be a bit more difficult, which can be taken care at any specialized data recovery services companies lab.
If it is problem related to the file system, which has caused inaccessibility of the data then it can be recovered using data recovery software,
Typical causes of data loss include:
o Electro-mechanical Failure
o Natural Disaster
o Viruses
o Data Corruption
o Sabotage
o Human Error
Is Data Recovery important?
Over the past years, hard drives have gotten a lot quieter and faster, with capacities of more then 350 GB. The downside is that their consistency is far from perfect, and the devices are often burdened with mechanical failures, this warning however is never mentioned in the vendors' product specifications.
Our experience for over a decade shows that users can be sub-divided into two groups. The first group of users is well informed or has already experienced the sting of losing data. In cases such as these, the user is careful to back up information such as emails, photos, document files and financial data on a CD/DVD or other media, at least on an asymmetrical basis. A corporate user has the IT department or an administrator one who takes care of his backups. Digital assets are thus protected however still a virus attack, hardware failure or simply human error can destroy this critical asset. However, this group is a small minority.
The other group lives with an enduring risk, either because they aren't aware of the possible horror scenario or often it is the case, they don't take it seriously enough. It should be clear to everyone that any multifaceted component at any day may fail to provide its services. If such a scenario occurs, then all the data stored exclusively on a hard drive would most likely be lost.
So when this nightmare happens and your hard drive is clearly damaged, people pick up the phone and call data recovery firms, which have the necessary equipment and lab infrastructure to do the required job. According to Imation’s Small Business Survey Special Report conducted in April 2003.
30 percent of small businesses admit they have no formal data backup and storage procedures, or do not implement their procedures consistently.
“Fifty-five percent of small businesses rated themselves as "fair" or "poor" in terms of having a documented disaster recovery plan, or do not have one at all.”
“Review and evaluation of data backup and storage procedures is not a common practice among small businesses.”
“The majority of small companies” backup critical data on a daily basis and daily backups are more common among companies that deal with higher volumes of data. But one in three small businesses still wait until there is a problem before reviewing and evaluating their backup and storage procedures.”
“Moreover, 21 percent said that they are doing a "fair" or "poor" job of periodically removing important business data offsite – a vital procedure to protect businesses from physical disaster. An additional 13 percent of small businesses admitted to not removing backup files at all – that’s 34 percent at risk”.
Data Recovery Techniques
Basic questions which needs to be answered before recovery process
1. What is the data which needs to be recovered?
2. What type of hard drive is it?
3. How much data is on the hard drive?
4. What happened when the drive failed?
5. How fast do you need the data?
Recovering critical data is a specialized process that requires the right software, hardware and advanced techniques. In many failure-related cases, the chances of recovering data from a damaged hard drive range from 90-100%. If the electronic system is the only thing affected, then the drive can often be reused after the electronic control panel has been replaced. If, on the other hand, the defect is of a mechanical nature, then recovery will be a bit more difficult, which can be taken care at any specialized data recovery services companies lab.
If it is problem related to the file system, which has caused inaccessibility of the data then it can be recovered using data recovery software,
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